Expansion & Depth (part 2 of 3)
TIME FRAME: Approx 20-30 min
Intention: Understanding the elements in your manifested experiences - positive and negative. Knowing this information will help you identify your patterns and process that you can intentionally shift.
This exercise is designed to Help individuals identify and understand their personal growth by applying the concepts of Expansion and Depth
This exercise is beneficial for anyone looking to gain insight into their personal development and enhance their understanding of life's complexities.
Become a better receiver and more resilient because you will know if you’re in an expansion or depth phase/state.
Feel stuck in your head
Feeling disconnected to your body
Wanting to get some insights from your body
Needing to move some emotion
Download workbook below to view or print.
Journal, paper or worksheet
Pen or pencil
Space and time to answer and contemplate.
Approach the exercise with an open mind.
Reflect honestly on your experiences.
Take your time to understand the concepts and consider how they apply to your life.
You may not answer or remember everything in the first pass of answering the questions so if you need to, return to answering the questions.
The more times you review past experiences, the more insights to be gained. A pattern in your process emerges.
When things get a little uncertain, you can return to these details as a reminder.
Print or use as a reference and write in your own journal.
Note any key takeaways to integrate now.
How has your understanding of the universal laws deepened through this exercise?
Can you identify any personal growth or evolution that has occurred as a result of applying these laws to your experiences?
In what ways can you continue to implement these universal laws in your daily life to foster further personal growth?
Your options:
Move to the next part Embodied Evidence.
Explore another experiment in the Embodiment Laboratory.