Manifestation Moment (part 1 of 3)
TIME FRAME: Approx 20-30 min
Intention: Understanding the elements in your manifested experiences - positive and negative. Knowing this information will help you identify your patterns and process that you can intentionally shift.
Become a better receiver in your awareness of seeing the elements.
When you’re looking to find evidence of your embodiment
Seeking the finer details of moments ane elements
Download workbook below to view or print.
Journal, paper or worksheet
Pen or pencil
Space and time to answer and contemplate.
You may not answer or remember everything in the first pass of answering the questions so if you need to, return to answering the questions.
The more times you review past experiences, the more insights to be gained. A pattern in your process emerges.
When things get a little uncertain, you can return to these details as a reminder.
A Vulnerable Moment Captured to a Times Square Billboard
In the middle of a photoshoot in 2018, the photographer (Liz Linder) was asking if she could capture this moment in my movement. She knew I was feeling and moving through something because I had told her that I needed a few minutes. She gave me the space and I don’t think she knew exactly how vulnerable I was feeling in that moment.
I soon realized this was exactly the opportunity that I’ve been desiring which was to be photographed in a vulnerable place so that I could see what other people were seeing. I had a decision to make. Do I let it happen or do I say no to the experience? It’s what I’ve been desiring for probably a year or two. Here was my chance to receive.
I nodded. This is the result of agreeing…about 8 months later the photo ends up on a Times Square billboard as part of Liz’s portfolio.
The manifestation of the photographed moment to the billboard prompted me to investigate all the elements of that moment. This workbook and process is what I discovered. The elements are present in receiving.
In both positive and negative moments, look at the experiences through the lens of these elements and you most likely look at your present experiences with greater awareness and intentional choices.
Download workbook.
Print or use as a reference and write in your own journal.
Note any key takeaways to integrate now.
Your options:
Identify another manifestation and complete the worksheet.
Contemplate any new insights and reflect how you can apply it presently.
Move to part 2 of this Milestone.
Explore another experiment in the Embodiment Laboratory.