Meeting the Unknown
TIME FRAME: Approx 20-30 min
Intention: Moving your body with intention and presence can provide clarity and connection to self.
If I can’t guide you in person or online, here’s the next best thing for you when you need to reconnect to your body and receive some insights.
Follow this process and practice with consistency or when you need it and in time.
Feel stuck in your head
Feeling disconnected to your body
Wanting to get some insights from your body
Needing to move some emotion
Spotify account to play music without commercials
Journal, paper or worksheet
Pen or pencil
Headphones or speaker
Blanket or sheet
Clothing that feels good to you.
Ask your body what it needs or doesn’t need on your body.
Create a space to freely move.
Option: Play with the limitation of staying only on the bed, couch or floor.
It’s a practice and each time you prepare to move, your body may require something different. Please honor what comes up.
Move at a pace that allows you to be authentic and present with yourself.
Allow extra time to rest, care and integrate anything that might arise.
Download workbook.
Print or use as a reference and write in your own journal.
Note any key takeaways to integrate now.
Your options:
Identify another manifestation and complete the worksheet.
Contemplate any new insights and reflect how you can apply it presently.
Explore another experiment in the Embodiment Laboratory.