Human Design Journal: How to Download & Start Using

Upon purchase,  the file is available for download in the Order Confirmation page and you’ll receive an email for  a secure link to the file lasting 24 hours after the first download.

  1. Download the file.

  2. From the iPad to PDF Annotating App

    1. Open the Zip file and note where it’s saved in your files

    2. Go to selected PDF Annotating app (GoodNotes, etc)

    3. Select “+” for New

    4. Select Import

    5. Find location of saved files, select “Digital Human Design Journal”

  3. From your computer to the iPad in GoodNotes

    1. Open the Zip file

    2. Select “Digital Human Design Journal”, share the file via bluetooth to your iPad

    3. On the iPad, select the PDF Annotating app from popup menu

    4. Save File

    5. Start editing

  4. From your desktop to GoodNotes app on desktop

    1. Open the GoodNotes app 

    2. Select “+” for New

    3. Select Import

    4. Find and select saved file “Digital Human Design Journal”

    5. Select open

    6. Start editing


Navigating Journal & Interactive Tabs in GoodNotes