2020 Reflection

At the end of every year, I make it a priority to reflect on the past year. Typically, it’s usually a simple process of looking through my pictures to find the highlights. This year…not so simple at first. I nearly considered cheating and just posting a pic from January and December. Between the two alone it felt like a before and after, but the heart of it was in everything in between - the uncertainty, the fear, finding new ways to be.

I then realized one of the joys I get in posting and sharing is being able to look back on this time at some point in the future. So, I considered, what would I want to remember about 2020? Here’s my visual attempt to capture it.

2020 was truly the year where I learned to see my life with more clarity and embodied knowing.

Please stay safe. Wear your mask. Let’s hope we connect in person in 2021. Happy New Year to you!♥️🎉🍾


2021 Polarity & Possibilities


Leaving one path and skipping down another...