A Journey "There"
Today is Independence Day and I’m celebrating the birth of a very personal offering. The kind that makes me feel completely open and vulnerable. You know, where you feel like you’ve got your heart in your hands in an offering of deep, deep love...will they receive it? You get the picture.
Am I scared? Terrified, but I’ve been practicing what I preach and I’m not so much anymore.
Am I excited? Yes, because I’m celebrating finally getting out of my own way and resisting.
Am I ready? Oh honey, I’ve been preparing for this moment for a very, very, VERY long time.
I can see clearly now that the path I’ve traveled has been one of personal discovery, healing and evolution so that I could return and be a guide for you. Not a guide down my path, but to be a loving guide to uncharted places inside of yourself. I know and see this is my gift and purpose.
One of the most frequent comments I hear about my gift is that I help women access a part of themselves they couldn’t alone or were afraid to go alone. Often that place is referred to as “there” - and it can feel different for everyone.
Here’s my definition of “there”...it’s that place inside of yourself that can feel like the last holdout of your soul or spirit. The place where you safely store the unexpressed grief, anger, sadness, dreams, desires and wisdom. You’ve knowingly or unknowingly gave the rest of the “space” inside yourself to others in the form of family, cultural or societal beliefs that no longer feel authentic to you, doing things for others in sacrifice of yourself, or trusting that someone else you trust knows you better than you know you.
I believe you really want to go “there” so you can reconnect with the truth of who you are, but you just don’t know how or what it will look or feel like. I GET IT. Trust me, it’s a process that is not linear. It’s going to feel messy. It’s going to feel uncertain. It’s going to feel magical. It’s going to feel like relief. It’s going to feel like coming home to yourself.
We can read all the books about what it will be like “there” and we can get advice about how to travel there...via planes, trains and automobiles. However, like anything worth having, we have to get there on our own steam (and maybe with a little unexpected help). Having a companion or guide with you can make what could be a scary, independent journey into one that is filled with fun, exciting and new adventures you wouldn’t have otherwise experienced on your own.
I desire to be your guide in crossing that threshold. To be of service to you. If you’re willing to go “there”, I’m willing to go with you.
Always love,
Would you like a guide “there”? Learn more about the Live Embodied 6-month Journey here.